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Valdrin Shala

Audit and Accounting Manager


Valdrin Shala joined Prateo in January 2024. He is an audit and accounting manager.


He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Neuchâtel (2016) and his Master’s Degree in Accounting, Control and Finance from the University of Lausanne (2020). He is currently enrolled in the chartered accountant certification program provided by EXPERTsuisse


Prior to joining Prateo, he worked for several years in the external audit department of an international fiduciary and in the internal audit department of a cantonal administration.


Valdrin’s areas of expertise are focused on the auditing of annuals accounts (ordinary and limited statutory examination) as well as accounting and tax management of small and medium-sized enterprises.


  • External and internal audit
  • Special audit assignments
  • Advice and assistance regarding the closing of annual accounts
  • Implementation of internal control systems
  • Bookkeeping
  • VAT assistance and advice
  • Preparation of tax retunrs and tax forms for individuals and legal entities


  • French
  • English
  • Albanian